Incredible Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies (5 Ingredients)

Incredible Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies (5 Ingredients)

Simple chocolate chunk oatmeal cookies that require only 5 ingredients, are vegan, dairy free, and low in sugar. They are made without milk or eggs, and have decadent chocolate goodness in every bite. You will absolutely love them.

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Incredible Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all had a great day and accomplished a lot. If not, don’t worry, tomorrow is a new day to start fresh.

I find that on the days I am being especially unproductive, it is often not a result of being completely lazy. I think there is a stigma in society today that if you aren’t working, being productive, or accomplishing greatness every minute of every day, then your time is wasted.

However, I think that way of thinking is flawed. If work takes up your entire life, then there is no room for other amazing things like relationships, friends, family, memories, hobbies, etc.

Work should have balance. It is just like health and fitness in that way. If you don’t have balance, you might find yourself completely burned out. And this is what often happens when I feel like I’m being “lazy” with my work. When I stop and evaluate, I usually realize that I worked a ton that week, and didn’t really stop to take a break.

I’m very guilty of this because I really do love what I do, and it often doesn’t feel like work to me. But that doesn’t mean you should never unplug and be present with those you love. So, if you are feeling burnt out as well, try to evaluate the root cause of it rather than just concluding you are being lazy. You probably aren’t. But if you are, pick yourself up, get disciplined, and get it done!

Now, let’s talk cookies. Or more specifically, chocolate chunk oatmeal cookies that are chewy, dense, and absolutely decadent. These taste so amazing dipped in almond milk. This recipe is also super quick and easy to make. Plus, it only requires FIVE ingredients. I know, crazy.

These cookies are insanely delicious and healthy, so I know you’ll love them as much as I do. I made a quick batch to have waiting for me when I got back from my second run, and they were the perfect post-run treat. Yes, I do run twice a day sometimes. I did this in college as well. It really is a way for me to get in a little more mileage and training without wearing down my body and mind.

By splitting an 8 mile run up into 5 and 3 miles, or 4 and 4, it is a little easier on the body and the mind. The only problem is that I have to carve out two breaks for running, take two showers, and make sure I actually get out there and run. So, it isn’t always feasible. But, it is something I do on occasion. Now, let’s look at the ingredients we need.

Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies – Ingredients

  • Rolled Oats – You can’t have oatmeal cookies without the oatmeal part. So, we will be grinding up some old fashioned rolled oats to form an oat flour. I use my NutriBullet blender, which works great. I have it linked further down.
  • Bananas – This recipe works best with overripe bananas. Why? For two reasons actually. First, overripe bananas are typically more mushy and less stiff. So, they will mash up easier and create a smoother consistency.

    Second, overripe bananas are sweeter. As the bananas ripen, they become sweeter and sweeter. So, these will give the cookies the best tasty, while still using healthier natural sugar as opposed to processed sugar.
  • Nut Milk – Unsweetened vanilla almond milk worked perfect for this recipe. It gave it a bit of creaminess without added sugar, and a nice hint of vanilla.
  • Cinnamon – Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices. It is so versatile. You can top your oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, and other sweet recipes with it. I use it in so many of my baked goods.

    It is also super inexpensive, which is great. I get mine for a dollar at the grocery store. But, maybe I should start buying it in bulk with how much I go through.
  • Dark Chocolate – You can either buy chunks, or just cut up your favorite dark chocolate bar into small pieces. I bought some Simple Truth Organic brand ones from my local Kroger grocery store that were vegan. They are tasty and low in sugar, so I would definitely recommend them if you can find them.

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chocolate chunk oatmeal cookies

Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookies

Alyssa Atkinson
Simple vegan oatmeal cookies with only 5 ingredients and the perfect amount of sweetness.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 12 cookies
Calories 130 kcal


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 2 overripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 dash cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup dark chocolate chunks


  • Preheat oven to 350° F.
  • Grind oats up to form a flour (I used my NutriBullet).
  • Break bananas into quarters and blend with oat flour.
  • Add in milk and cinnamon and blend until a dough forms.
  • Scrape the dough out of the blender and form into rounds.
  • Add a few chocolate chunks to each cookie.
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until cookies are firm.
  • Enjoy!

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Keyword chocolate chip, cookies, low sugar, oatmeal

I love simple and delicious healthy recipes like these. These cookies are one of my favorite post workout snacks as well. You can make a batch and have them waiting for you when you get back, or bring them with you for an on the go snack. I hope you enjoy them.

Sending happiness & light your way!
-Alyssa 🙂

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