My Simple and Productive Morning Routine

My Simple and Productive Morning Routine

My simple morning routine to stay productive, happy, and healthy.

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My Simple and Productive Morning Routine

Good morning friends! Today I am going to share my morning routine for a typical workday. I am going to include my usual schedule hour by hour and I will also share some tips and tricks at the end of this post. For me, having a solid morning routine is absolutely crucial. I really enjoy reading these kinds of posts to further streamline my own routine and get the most out of each day. So, I hope you find this post helpful in some way. Now, let’s get into it.

Morning Routine – 5:00 AM

Yes, I do get up between 5:00 and 6:00 AM most days. I am a very early bird, and I’ve been that way since college. I go to bed around 9:00 – 9:30 PM most evenings so I wake up naturally between 5 and 6 AM. Waking up naturally is key for me, as I find I have a lot more energy throughout the day when I don’t rely on an alarm to wake me up. So, I almost never set one.

The first thing I do when I wake up is groggily walk down stairs and make myself a big cup of coffee. In the summer, I love cold brew. Right now, I’m into the Starbucks Blonde Roast Unsweetened Coffee. It comes in a big jug at the grocery store, so I just pour a mug and then add a splash of almond milk. I don’t drink it with any sweetener. It provides me with the perfect energy boost to start the day.

Morning Routine – 5:30 AM

After about 30 minutes have passed, I am fully awake and ready to start working. I pull out my laptop, respond to emails, check my social channels, and start on some computer work. I like to draft out my blog recipes early in the morning, so I work on that for about 30 minutes.

Morning Routine – 6:30 AM

By 6:30 AM, I am usually hungry for breakfast. I almost always eat the same thing – oatmeal. However, I do like to switch up my toppings. I love adding a spoonfull of peanut butter as well as some fresh or frozen fruit. Sometimes I add banana. Other times I like to add fresh or frozen berries.

Morning Routine – 7:00 AM

By this time, I’ve usually devoured my breakfast. So, I start editing some of my social media content. I post on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc., so I almost always have some content that I need to edit. I usually edit for about 30 minutes in the morning.

Morning Routine – 7:30 AM

Around 7:30 – 8:00 AM, I try to get my workout in. I typically do a combination of both running and walking. I’m a former collegiate runner, and I still have a big passion for the sport. Once I complete my workout, I make sure to eat a snack high in carbs that also has some protein. One of my go-to options is a banana with cinnamon and peanut butter. After that, I like to take a quick shower. Then, my morning routine is complete, and I continue on with the rest of my workday.

Morning Routine Productivity Tips

I also wanted to include some general productivity tips in this post that have been really helpful in my own life. Here are a few that I have found to be super beneficial.

1. Make a to do list.

I do this every single morning. Making a to do list allow me to physically see what I need to get done for the day. It’s also incredibly satisfying to cross things off the list, so it boosts my motivation ever so slightly.

2. Create a set schedule.

I like to wake up around the same time every morning because it gives me the same chunk of time to complete the tasks that I do routinely each and every day within a certain time frame. This includes some writing/editing, making and eating breakfast, exercising, etc. If you don’t have a set schedule, it can be easy to lose track of time and not get everything done that you need to during the day. I find that having some sort of structured schedule prevents this from happening.

3. Approach each day with positivity.

No matter how tough or stressful life gets, try to go into each day with a fresh attitude. While you might not be able to control what happens to you, you can always control how you react to it. Starting each day off on a positive note will help you stay motivated to get your work done. I know this can be difficult when nothing seems to be going your way, but you have to try and keep the faith that things will work out in the end 🙂

Anyway, that rounds out my top productivity tips as well as my typical workday morning routine. I hope you all enjoyed this post. As per usual, I will be back with another blog post very soon.
-Alyssa 🙂

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