How I Eat Vegan On a Budget While Traveling

How I Eat Vegan On a Budget While Traveling

My tricks to eating plant based on a budget while I’m traveling for work, vacation, taking a road trip, etc.

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How I Eat Vegan While Traveling

I have been fortunate enough to travel many times throughout my life. Although I have only lived in a few cities in my life thus far, that hasn’t stopped me from taking some road trips and seeing a lot of the United States. While I didn’t move around at all during my childhood, I have moved a few times in my adult life. Plus, I have taken a few cross-country road trips with my family. We stopped in many cities along the way. Also, I ran cross-country and track in college, so I traveled to many new cities and states for meets/races. As a result of my frequent traveling (especially in college), I learned how to eat vegan on a budget while on the move. So, if you have an upcoming adventure planned, I hope you find this blog post helpful.

Eating Vegan While Traveling – Tip #1

The first food tip that I wanted to share with all of you is that I like to bring a large water bottle filled with ice cold water whenever I go on a road trip. Now, I know this tip has nothing to do with vegan food. However, I like to stay hydrated at all times, especially when I’m in a hot car all day on a long road trip. Plus, it’s always nice to have something to drink along with all of your tasty vegan meals and snacks. If I am traveling by plane, I will bring an empty water bottle and fill it up at the water fountain once I get through security.

Eating Vegan While Traveling – Tip #2

The second way I am able to eat vegan on a budget while traveling is by packing a ton of snacks. I like to keep convenient snacks with me at all times so that I don’t go hungry. Some of my favorite budget friendly options include fresh fruits and veggies, crackers, and popcorn. I also like to splurge on a few protein bars and/or fruit and nut bars for longer road trips. As far as fruits and veggies go, I try to choose foods that aren’t too messy, such as carrots, grapes, bananas, and apples. While peaches, plums, mangoes, etc. are delicious, I don’t want to drip juice all over my car or airplane seat. So, I stick to the less messy options that I still really enjoy the taste of.

Eating Vegan While Traveling – Tip #3

The next way I save money eating vegan while traveling is by avoiding purchasing convenience foods at the airport. I buy my snacks before I head to the airport (or hit the road) at my local grocery store for a fraction of what they would cost me at the airport. By planning in advance and stocking up on snacks before my trip, I save a lot of money. Best of all, I still get to enjoy my delicious plant based meals and snacks. If you are traveling by airplane, just make sure to pack items that you are allowed to bring through security. Otherwise, you might have to throw them out before you ever get to your terminal.

Eating Vegan While Traveling – Tip #4

My final rule for eating vegan while traveling is that I avoid packing foods which spoil quickly and I am strategic with foods that can get smashed easily. For example, bananas can easily get pushed to the bottom of your backpack and become a huge mess. So, I like to keep mine out or put it in my purse to avoid a messy situation. Similarly, I won’t bring things like avocado because they turn brown and mushy really quickly. Instead, I might pack a peanut butter and banana sandwich. By making strategic food choices, I enjoy my meals and snacks. I also am able to create less food waste, which ultimately saves me money.

Eating Vegan While Traveling – Final Thoughts

Eating vegan on a budget while traveling might take a bit more planning, but it is definitely doable. My top strategies include packing my own meals and snacks that aren’t messy and don’t require refrigeration, purchasing convenience snacks ahead of time so that I don’t have to buy anything at the airport, and packing a water bottle with me. Once I reach my destination, I can easily look online to find places that serve vegan friendly options within my price range. Anyway, that’s it for this post. I hope you all enjoyed. As per usual, I will be back with more content very soon.
-Alyssa 🙂

Vegan Avocado Breakfast Sandwich
A delicious and flavorful vegan avocado breakfast sandwich.
Check out this recipe
Best Ever Avocado Breakfast Sandwich